Sorry for the long absence, I've been busy watching a lot of Italian film for a class that I've been taking. And doing a lot of homework!
Anyway, I'm a little late for April Fool's Day (Pesce d'Aprile in italiano), but wanted to share this classic film clip from the Simpsons (I Simpson).
Happy April Everyone!
Here are some of the quotes from the clip:
0:29 Homer, to Bart: Non riesce a fare scherzo a tua madre nel giorno piu schersosi nella tua vita e anche se avessi una macchina elettroscherzi!
(You couldn't fool your own mother on the foolingest day of your life with an electrified fooling machine!
3:30 Lou the Cop: Quell'esplosione sembra provvenire dalla casa di Homer Simpson!
(That explosion seems like it's coming from the ol' Simpson place!)
Chief Wiggum: Non ti agitare! E solo .... ??
(Don't get so worked up! That's two blocks away!)
Lou the Cop: Veniva fuori uscire birra della canna fumaiola!
(It looks like beer is coming out of the chimney!)
Chief Wiggum: Io procedo da piedi, tu comunica un Codice Otto!
(I'm going in on foot, you call in a Code 8!)
Lou the Cop: Ci servono dei salatini! Repeto, salatini!
(We need some pretzels! Repeat, pretzels!)
I just can't make out what the Chief is saying, he has a heavy accent. If anyone else understands it please let me know.